Monday, January 4, 2010

Music Monday: Nik Freitas

I wasn't planning on having a MM post today since I was in San Francisco for the past four days and didn't do anything on the interwebz during that time (that's quite a long while for me... a few more days and I probably would have gone crazy). But someone actually demanded a post. So here it is last minute:

Nik Freitas is my MM this week for a few reasons:

  1. He is a great songwriter
  2. He is from my hometown
  3. He is a really nice guy
What more could you ask for? I've seen him a few times doing his solo act and touring with Conor Oberst as part of the Mystic Valley Band. I couldn't find an "official" music video of my favorite song of his Sun Down but I found some diy video someone made of Youtube which will do. Honestly, just listen to the song... no video needed to make it interesting.

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